On many occasions, I get asked about the sea trout flies I use for fly fishing at night on the Welsh Dee. So, this post looks inside my fly boxes at…
My favourite sea trout flies for night fishing.
During 30 years of fishing the Welsh Dee for Sewin, many flies have come in and out of favour. However, a black and silver fly will always have a place in my fly box, in one form or another. Primarily because when it becomes dark, the colour of the fly disappears, and black and silver flies will catch sea-run brown trout on most rivers.
That doesn’t mean it will out-fish any other fly on a particular day, but it is a proven consistent performer.
Therefore, if I wanted to keep things as simple as possible, I would be happy going sea trout fishing with a fly box full of black and silver flies tied in various sizes, profiles and weights.
Silver Stoats Tail
That’s why I never go fishing without the Silver Stoat’s tail tied in various forms, singles, doubles, stingers, and tubes. Several years ago, I stopped fishing flies tied on treble hooks because they are a pain to remove at night, and I never felt they improved my catch rate over singles.

Silver Stoats tail
- Hook – #10 to 6 Kamansan B180
- Thread – Black UNI 8/0
- Tag. – Pheasant tippet
- Body – Silver tinsel
- Rib – Fine silver wire
- Wing – Black Squirrel
- Hackle. – black cock
Nowadays, I rarely fish tube flies, although I do carry a few black and silver needle tube flies for deeper pools.

Dovey Black & Orange
The Dovey Black & Orange is a sea trout fly that I’ve fished for as long as I can remember. As its name suggests, it originated from the River Dovey in mid-Wales, but it has brought me plenty of success on the Welsh Dee and River Conwy.

Dovey Black & Orange
- Hook – #10 to 6 Kamansan B180
- Thread – Black UNI 8/0
- Tag. – Orange goose
- Body – Black floss
- Rib – Oval silver tinsel
- Wing – Black Squirrel
- Hackle. – Orange cock
- Cheeks – Jungle cock
More often than not, I fish the single hook version of the Dovey Black & Orange towards the end of the season. It has also fooled a few backend salmon when fished on a dropper.

Joe Pye
I originally came across the Joe Pye fly pattern in James Wlathams’s book titled “The Sea Trout and the Fly”. Joe was a guide at the Inn at Whitewell where he fished the River Hodder. I’ve modified the fly slightly and the pattern below works well on the Welsh Dee.

Joe Pye
- Hook – #10 to 6 Kamansan B180
- Thread – Black UNI 8/0
- Tag. – Red seals fur
- Body – Pearl Crystal Dubbing
- Rib – silver wire
- Hackle. – Red Scalpen
- Wing – Squirrel dyed blue
The Joe Pye has a place in my fly box because it catches sea trout on the Welsh Dee when nothing else seems to be working. It works fished on the point from mid-August when the fish have been in the river for a while.
The following video by Micheal Helszajin demonstrates how to tie the Joe Pye.
Mallard and Claret
For many years, I’ve had great success fishing a Mallard & Claret towards the end of the season on a dropper 5ft above the point fly, particularly for sea trout that have been in the river for a while.

Mallard & Claret
- Hook – #8 to 6 Kamansan B180
- Thread – Black UNI 8/0
- Tail – Golden pheasant tippets
- Rib – Oval gold tinsel
- Body – Claret seal fur substitute
- Wing – Bronze mallard
- Hackle. – Black Hen
Recent additions to my sea trout fly box
After reading Steffan Jones’s book “SEA TROUT – TIPS, TRICKS & TRIBULATIONS” a couple of years ago, I added a few new flies to my Welsh Dee fly box.
First up is the Daioni, which has proved itself fished on the dropper above a Mr Fish or stinger on the point. The fly I tie is a close copy of Steffan’s original, based on the materials I have available.

- Hook – # 10 to 6 Kamasan B800
- Thread – Black UNI 8/0
- Body – Silver holgraphic tinsel
- Rib – Silver wire
- Hackle – palmered white cock
- Wing – Black Squirrel
- Hackle. – Blue Schaplen
The following video by Steffan Jones explains how to tie Daioni.
My version of Mr Fish is a close copy of Steffan’s original, which was tied using the materials I had available.

Mr Fish
- Hook – # 10 to 4 Kamasan B180
- Thread – Fluorescent orange 8/0
- Tag. – Golden Pheseant tippet
- Body – Silver braid
- Wing – 8 strands of peacock herl
- Hackle 1 – purple Schalpen
- Hackle. – Guinea Fowl
The following video demonstrates how Steffan ties the original version of Mr Fish.
As an experiment, over the last two seasons on the Welsh Dee, I have started the evening fishing a Mr Fish on the point and a Daioni on the dropper. That approach produced some lovely Welsh Dee Sewin. When that fly combination fails, changing the point fly to stinger (intruder flies) often leads to success.

Stinger flies for sea trout fishing

Purple & Silver Singer
- Hook – #6 Kamasan B800
- Trailing hook – #8 or #6 Nordic tube
- Hook link – 42lb braid and 1.5 mm black shrink tubing
- Thread – 8/0 red nano-silk
- Body– Silver braid
- Wing – Angle air over squirrel tail
- Overwing – 6 strands of peacock herl
- Hackle – purple Schalphen
Surface sea trout lures
Finally, my box wouldn’t be complete without at least two surface lures, e.g. a small Muddler pattern (ca. 30 -50 mm long) and a larger foam-bodied stinger pattern (ca. 75mm long).
If the more traditional sea trout flies fail to work, I switch to fishing a small surface lure (Muddler) on the dropper.

Black Muddler
- Hook – #10 to 6 Kamasan B800
- Thread – Uni 8/0 Black
- Body – Silver braid
- Tail – Cock fibres
- Wing – Black Squirrel tail
- Head – Spun black deer hair
Usually, I leave the large surface lure in the box for the last check of the dice. When all else has failed, running through the pool with a large surface lure sometimes produces a result.

Large Surface Lure
- Hook – #6 Kamasan B800
- Trailing hook – #8 or #6 Nordic tube
- Hook link – 42lb braid and 1.5 mm black shrink tubing
- Thread – 8/0 black nano-silk
- Body– Silver braid
- Wing – 4 strands crystal flash & squirrel tail
- Overwing – spun black deer hair
- Head – Black Eatha foam
For a demonstration of how to tie the surface lure, I recommend watching the following video by Steffan.
I hope you found this article on the best sea trout flies I use on the Welsh Dee interesting, and helpful. If so, take a look at my article on…
Brilliant as ever. Thank you Andrew!
Great to hear you enjoyed it.
Cheers, Andrew
Great flies Andrew,
Excellent post, really enjoyed that!
Hi Colin,
Thanks for the feedback and pleased to hear you found the post interesting.
Cheers, Andrew
Andrew, I very much enjoy seeing the flies that you tie & post! Being in the US, the patterns do not often apply to what most here may fish with, but as I’ve gotten older, tying & using such flies here for species that I can target, takes me back to my youth when I had started (’66), and allows me to use flies that have more of a classic styling. I have no issue with modern flies or materials, I tie a lot of them and use most any material, but sometimes it does me good to return to the roots of this sport. Thank you sir for this wonderful site & the emails!
Hi Jim,
It’s great to know you are finding the posts interesting and enjoyable. I follow a few US-based fishing blogs and find the flies used there interesting. I have modified a few USA streamer patterns to fish on the Welsh Dee with some success.
I hope you continue to enjoy my website. Cheers, Andrew
Thank you so much Andrew fo sharing your great experience and tips , this summer I did’nt have any time to spend on sea trout night fishing to the river Dee ,I was focused only on Grayling with plenty of fantastic days .
Next year I’m planning to spend all summer only for sea trout night fishing , but I’m tantalized to try a night before the end of the season , often my stubbornness pay me back with unexpected results .
I’m just wondering If Horseshoe falls might be an obstacle for sea trout run and concetrate downstream .
Great to hear you enjoyed the post.
Plenty of sea trout in the system at the moment but they are starting to get stale. Even when the river is at its summer level there is plenty of water flowing over the falls for sea trout to get over. Good luck if you go out before the end of the season.
great info, and a good read. can you show the dressing of the fin sea trout special please as it looks really fishy.
chears andy.
Hi Andy,
The pattern for the Fin Sea trout special #14 & 12, black 8/0 thread, mole fur body, back rib – stripped partridge feather stem, black hen hackle. It is a great fly that also catches plenty of trout and grayling during the summer months.
Tight lines, Andrew
Origins of the Joe Pye, if you have James Waltham’s book, The Sea Trout and the Fly, he gives an explanation on page 64, Joe was a guide at the Inn at Whitewell, cheers Nick
Hi Nick,
Thanks for this. Now I can compare the pattern I have with the original.
Tight lines, Andrew
Thoroughly enjoyed the post. I can relate to a lot of the flies. Especially the back and silver combination, I’ve had lots of confidence and success. I will tie a few of the others for future trips. Look forward to the next blog cheers George
Hi George,
Great to hear you enjoyed the post. I hope the other patterns bring you some sea trout success.
Tight lines, Andrew
Always a great read…thank you.
Hi Dave,
Great to hear you enjoyed it. I hope a few of the flies help you catch some sea trout.
Tight lines, Andrew
Hi Andrew, hope you had success last season on the Border Esk!
Wonderful advice and photographs, thanks.
Do you use gink when fishing a muddler type surface lure?
Hi Bryan,
I had one salmon about 10lbs on the Esk last year and one sea trout while grayling fishing! I had a few night sessions but didn’t get any sea trout, they just weren’t around or just not active on my trips there.
I don’t use gink on the surface lures, they seem to wake well enough without.
Did you get any sea trout?
Hi Andrew, only managed one at 3.5 lb, on a different beat on the Border Esk!
They only managed 36 on the Canonbie beat, and there a some great sea trout fishers on there! A credit to the secretary for his honesty!
I took a river temperature in June and July (22.4 C). I think that could be the problem.
The temperatures need to drop.
Well done with the Salmon. I had a small Sea Trout on the River Lune.